Three Training Options…

…to help you achieve your golf potential.

The Complete Golf Fitness Program

  • Strength Training Program
  • Mobility and Flexibility Training
  • Conditioning

Plus Four Bonus PDF files… “How To Become A Scratch Golfer,” The Mental Game, Putting Mastery, Short Game Mastery

Your investment is $297.    Just click on the Paypal Button to the right to get started.

You can learn more here.

Custom 6 Month Training Program

Not sure where to start with your training?

I’ll set you up with a completely customized training program to help you achieve your strength and fitness goals.

We start with our initial consultation to discuss your current situation.

I then follow up with a complete plan for you to follow over the next six months.

You’ll have full email support and one coaching call per month to help you stay on track.

Your investment in this custom training program is $997.

Fitness program for golfers

One-to-One Golf Performance Coaching

One-to-One Golf Performance Coaching is for the serious golfer who wants to improve their potential on the golf course through improved fitness, and improve their results with golf coaching.

After our initial consultation, I set you up on a closely monitored strength and conditioning program completely customized to you.

You’ll also be provided with an initial game plan for improvement to help you get your scores down!

I will provide you with the programming for each workout each week, offer weekly video form checks for your lifts or your golf game, and get you set up for a monthly coaching call.

For a limited number of golfers, the investment in One-to-One Golf Performance Coaching is $195 per month.

To get started, click on the Get Started image to the right, and you’ll be taken to the Turnkey Coach website.

weight lifting for golfers