Shoulder strength is critical in the golf swing, and the best way to strengthen the shoulders is with the standing overhead barbell press.
For years I mainly trained my shoulders with the seated dumbbell press.
While that is indeed an effective exercise, you simply can’t move as much weight with that exercise as you can with the standing overhead press.
This is due to the fact that, since we are standing, we have a bit more leverage to employ. The standing overhead press engages to some extent everything from head to toe.
The more weight you can move, the stronger you will become. This is why the standing overhead press is the best exercise for training the shoulders.
However, because it is a very technical lift that involves a long kinetic chain, our progress tends to stall out more quickly with the press when compared to our other primary exercises.
The video below was taken from the Starting Strength Youtube channel and provides a nice tutorial for performing the overhead press.