Online Golf Performance Coaching…

…get the most out of your game and keep it at your best level.

What Is Online Golf Performance Coaching?

Putting practice

If you are like most golfers, you’ve signed up for a lesson or two during your golf “career.”

For most golfers, this usually occurs when they are lost and they are looking for a quick fix.

They can’t find their swing, can’t make a putt, can’t get on the green from a bunker, etc.

These lessons are usually a one off.  Sometimes they help, sometimes they don’t.

Occasionally, you may sign up for a package of lessons to get tips on your entire game, or to make a swing change.

If you receive instruction from a legitimate professional, you will pay upwards of $125 for a one-hour lesson, and over $250 if they are known for working with top competitive golfers.

Those costs can certainly add up!

Now, what if you also want to get stronger and more fit to help with your game?

That’s more money toward a personal trainer if you don’t have much experience with fitness training, in addition to gym costs if you don’t have equipment at home.

Introducing Online Golf Performance Coaching

In the strength training community, we are finding that it is more efficient to work with clients online, rather than in person.

Here’s why…

  • You can train at home, whether you have your own equipment or limited equipment.
  • You can train when you want, then simply go online and communicate your session to your coach, who will then offer feedback on his/her schedule, typically within 24 hours.
  • You take your own video to receive feedback on your form.  Eventually, this will help you learn how to improve your form on your own, so you and your coach can focus on other areas of your training.
  • Online coaching is far more economical.  Private one-to-one fitness coaching can cost you upwards of $75 per session.  At three times per week, you’ll be paying $900 per month or more.

Some would argue that online coaching is more efficient and effective than private coaching since the communication tends to be more concise and focused on the task at hand.

This can also be the case with total golf performance training.

Through the use of video, you can get feedback on every aspect of your game.

By keeping track of certain statistics from your rounds, you can provide your coach with information that will enable them to develop long-term and short-term practice plans.

And the best thing is, you don’t need to schedule a lesson.

You simply go to the driving range or practice green when you want, take a video, upload it, and get feedback within a day.

Add this to the strength and fitness coaching you receive, and you have an opportunity make dramatic improvement.

Benefits of Online Golf Performance Training

Golf fitnessThe primary benefit to One-to-One performance coaching is that it is completely customized.

After an initial consultation, we put together a complete plan to improve your fitness AND your golf game.

As a result, you can expect to improve your fitness and your game far more efficiently.

With increased strength and improved mobility, you’ll have greater ability to generate greater swing speed, which will translate into longer distance off the tee and with your other clubs.

This in turn will give you greater potential to shoot lower scores.

Customized golf training will then take advantage of that potential through focused practice plans to help you get the most out of your practice sessions.

What’s Included

When you click on the Get Started button below, you’ll be re-directed to the Turnkey Coach platform where you will get set up for the fitness training.

Tutorials will help you navigate the platform.  You’ll also learn how to upload videos, leave comments about your workouts and send emails.

In the meantime, we’ll set up a Zoom call to discuss your goals, training history, current lifestyle, past injuries and equipment you have available.

We’ll then discuss what type of program will be developed to help you achieve your goals

Here is what is involved with Online Coaching…

  • Through Turnkey Coach and here at you’ll have access to videos to help you learn the lifts and exercises.
  • Each week, you’ll be provided with workouts for each of the days you intend to train, typically a M-W-F schedule.
  • You’ll learn how to take video of your lifts, and you’ll get feedback for your lifts and training sessions.
  • Your workout programming will be adjusted as needed to keep you on track with your strength and fitness goals.
  • You’ll also learn how to take video of your golf swing, putting and short game shots.  These can then be analyzed and a plan of improvement can be built around that information.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to have a lift or part of your golf game reviewed by video once per week as needed.
  • You’ll be provided with a variety of forms to help you keep track of your game on the golf course and to help with your practice sessions.
  • Each month that information will be provided to your coach (yours truly) so that your game plan can be adjusted as needed.
  • Ongoing email support (I typically respond within 24 hours).

The image is a sample of what you will see when you access the Turnkey Coach platform to see what workout I have planned for you on a given day.

The platform also provides short tutorials for many different exercises.

Your Investment

For a limited number of clients, One-to-One Online Golf Performance Coaching is available for $250 per month.

There is no time commitment.  You can cancel your coaching program at any time.

To get started, click on the link to the right and you’ll be taken to the Turnkey Coach website.

If you aren’t quite ready, fill out the form below to get a free E-Book.

weight lifting for golfers

Get Your Free Ebook

I’ve put together a complimentary ebook that provides the details of our foundational strength training program, along with recommendations for conditioning and mobility exercises.

The ebook contains over 40 pages of information to help you get started on your path to increased strength and improved fitness.

To get this ebook delivered to your email, just fill out the form to the right.

I’ll then be sure to continue to send you more great training to help you achieve your golf potential.

There is no further obligation and you can unsubscribe at any time.